Indiana University Kelley School of Business의 복수학위과정을 이수 및 수료한 학생 및 동문은 성적증명서 발급이 필요한 경우 아래 내용을 참고하시기 바랍니다.
1. IU Kelley School 문의처
Amanda Thacker
Program Manager, Corporate & University Partner Programs
Phone: (812) 855-7140
2. 증명서 재발급 절차
Accessing an official transcript
Purchasing a transcript through eTranscript Request
The eTranscript Request in One.IU (, which provides secure credit card purchasing from PayPal, is available Monday-Saturday 6am-5am, and Sunday 8am-12am. For technical questions about eTranscript Request, contact your campus Support Center. For other transcript questions, contact your campus Office of the Registrar.
- 1) 졸업증명서는 수령하신 학위기(Diploma)의 사본으로 대체합니다.
2) 성적증명서 발급
1. Current or recently enrolled students:
Go to eTranscript Request (Recent Students) in One.IU, and click Start.
Former students: Go to eTranscript Request (Former Students) in One.IU, and click Start. You do not need an IU account to access this application. You'll be asked a series of questions to verify your identity; answer the questions and then click Continue. -
2. Read the instructions, check I agree to the terms above, and then click Continue.
If you have a hold on your record, you will see an alert. To continue, complete the steps in the "More Information" section. -
3. On the "Request" page, from the drop-down menu, select the transcript type.
4. Select or enter the address to which you want the transcript sent, and choose your delivery option.
5. If you would like your transcript signed and sealed, select Signed and sealed.
All official transcripts have the registrar's signature and the university seal. When official transcripts are mailed by students, however, some agencies or institutions require each transcript to be placed in a separate envelope bearing the registrar's signature and the university seal. If you need this service, select Signed and sealed for each recipient. -
6. To add an additional recipient to your order, click add recipient.
7. You may select an option from the "Special Instructions" area:
- 1. If you have any degrees "in review", you can specify that the transcript should only be released after the degree is awarded.
- 2. If you want the request held until a grade change occurs, you must select the institution and term as well as the class for which you are awaiting the change.
- 3. If you request that the transcript request be held until grades are awarded for a particular term, eTranscript Request will check to see if you were enrolled for the prior term or are currently enrolled, and verify that some of the grades have not yet been awarded. If all grades have been awarded or you were not enrolled in the prior term or currently enrolled, this option will not appear.
- 4. If any special instructions are selected, the transcript request will be held and evaluated daily until the necessary data is on the record. Then, the transcripts will be printed automatically at a predetermined time.
8. Click continue to review your order. To make changes, click Edit Request.
9. When you are satisfied with your order, click PayPal click here to pay to arrange payment. Enter your credit card information to pay as a guest, or use your existing PayPal account.
Notes:- Even if your transcript request is being held, you will pay immediately. If there is a hold on your record when the transcript is ready to be printed, the Office of the Registrar will refund your credit card.
- Your credit card information is stored and processed by PayPal. IU does not store credit card numbers.
10. In PayPal, click Continue.
A "Processing" page will display, followed by a "Receipt" page with a confirmation number; eTranscript Request will send a receipt to your IU email address.
Once PayPal charges your credit card, if you have placed no holds on your order (e.g., grade changed, degree awarded), the order will be processed and your transcript printed. If you do have holds, your card will be charged and the transcript held until they are satisfied.
If you have a hold on your account that prevents the release of transcripts, you must clear this or your order will be cancelled and your credit card refunded.
매달 15일, 30일 온라인 지원 시스템에 공지됩니다. 전형료 납부가 완료 되었을 경우 “Application fee was received”라는 메시지로 변경됩니다.
면접 이후 10~15일 이내에 온라인 지원 시스템에 결과가 공지됩니다.
20분 정도 영어로 개별 진행됩니다.
Q. 해외에 있는 지원자들은 면접이 어떻게 진행되나요?
화상면접 또는 전화 면접을 진행합니다.
모든 지원서관련 사항은 영어로 작성해야 합니다.
은행에서 ‘계좌 이체 확인서’를 발급받아 원본 서류 우편 제출 시 동봉하여야 합니다. 부득이하게 ‘계좌 이체 확인서’ 발급이 불가한 경우에는 계좌 이체를 확인할 수 있는 기타 증빙 서류를 제출하여야 합니다. 이 때, 입금일, 입금액, 입금자명이 반드시 기재되어 있어야 합니다.
현재 재직 중인 기업의 경력 증명서뿐만 아니라, 이력서에 기재된 모든 경력사항에 대한 증명서를 제출하야 합니다. 증명서는 원본 제출이며, 대표자 또는 인사 담당자 직인이나 서명이 포함되어야 합니다.
네, 올해 불합격한 경우 이듬해 지원이 가능합니다.