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Admission Events Pre-registration

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admission Events Pre-registration
Full-Time MBA Admission Tea Time ① 2024-05-09 (7:30-8:30 PM) open
  • ProgramFull-Time MBA
  • Pre-requisiteUndergraduate degree or equivalent
  • EventFull-Time MBA Admission Tea Time (in Korean, 한국어로 진행 예정)
  • Date2024-05-09 7:30-8:30 PM
  • Venue
  • Location GuideClick
  • Detailed Information 'Admission Tea Time' is a small group admission guide session which includes program and admission information: MBA Curriculum, Admission, financial aid, etc. Once you sign up, the admission director will send you a confirmation email. 'Admission Tea Time'은 소그룹으로 진행되는 프로그램 및 입학 안내 세션입니다. Full-Time MBA 교육과정, 입학, 장학금 등에 관해 자세히 안내합니다. 신청이 확인되면 입학 담당자가 확정 이메일을 보냅니다. (Tel. 02-740-1530 or Email.
Executive MBA 1-on-1 Admission Guide (April) open
  • ProgramExecutive MBA
  • Pre-requisiteat least 8 years of full-time work experience
  • Event1-on-1 Admission Guide (Online)
  • VenueZOOM
  • Location GuideClick
  • Detailed Information This is an individual admission guide session to provide you with customized information about the Kelley - SKK GSB Executive MBA program. Please check the 'Click' button to find available slots and set your schedule. The session will last around 30 minutes and will be conducted in a Q&A format. Please review program guide materials like the program web pages, brochures, or Info. Session videos. If you would like a general program overview, please sign up for an Admission Briefing or Admission Tea Time session. 이 세션은 입학담당자가 직접 진행하는 '1:1 개별 과정 및 입학 안내' 세션입니다. Location 탭의 'Click' 을 누르셔서 오픈된 일정 중에 원하는 일시를 선택합니다. 30분 내외의 Q&A 방식으로 진행되어 사전에 MBA 과정에 대한 자료들 (웹페이지, 브로셔 및 입학설명회 비디오) 등을 미리 확인 후 참여하는 세션입니다. 전반적인 안내를 받고 싶은 경우에는 입학설명회 혹은 Admission Tea Time을 신청해주세요. (Contact Info.: Tel. 82-2-740-1520,
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Work Experience

※ Please input full-time job only

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