Full-Time MBA Applied Business Project (ABP) Kick-off Dinner
- Hit3132
- 2023-04-04
SKK GSB Full-time MBA (FMBA) students had the opportunity to meet their project sponsors in person during our Applied Business Project (ABP) kick-off orientation dinner.
To welcome students and their sponsors, Dean Eric Shih took to the podium to give a heartwarming opening speech. Then, last year’s ABP project winner, Jawahirul Mahbubi, gave a few words of encouraging advice to the current FMBA students on achieving the best results in their projects this year.
The night was filled with ice-breaking and mingling over a catered buffet dinner. This was an important first bonding step for students and sponsors in this semester-long group project.
Special thanks to Dream Drinker, EcoLinks, eLoop, KID, The Promise, Würth Korea.