[Graduate Comments] Su Jung Lee – "Increasing Personal Growth through the MBA Journey " (Executive MBA Class of 2024)
- Hit4269
- 2024-03-06
Amidst the anticipation of the upcoming graduation ceremony on March 2nd, the Indiana Kelley -SKK GSB Executive MBA Program at Sungkyunkwan University Graduate School of Business prepares to bid farewell to its accomplished cohort of graduates. Despite facing numerous challenges along the MBA journey, the students reflect on their experiences with profound gratitude and pride.
One such graduate, Su Jung Lee, fondly recalls her most memorable experience during the MBA journey—a transformative outdoor immersion activity in the Bloomington campus of Indiana University Kelley School of Business. Under the guidance of a former U.S. soldier turned professor, Su Jung and her peers navigated the complexities of teamwork and leadership in a dynamic outdoor setting.
“As a leader, I learned how to clarify the direction and mission of the team, persuade team members, and secure the necessary resources. Metaphorically reflecting the conflicts and difficulties that may exist in real life, we gained insight into the meaning of leadership and effective teamwork through various problem-solving activities.”
Reflecting on her journey, Su Jung acknowledges the initial hesitation she felt before embarking on the MBA program. However, as she nears the culmination of her studies, she realizes that her fears were unfounded, and she emerges as a better version of herself. Inspired by the supportive community fostered at SKK GSB, Su Jung expresses her pride in the accomplishments of her fellow classmates and extends heartfelt gratitude to her professors for their unwavering support and guidance.
“I became interested in social phenomena such as cyber security and ESG, which I had not known in detail before, as well as global economy and politics, and it became an opportunity to look at business from a bigger picture. Additionally, I was able to expand my interests to a wider range of fields by meeting a variety of people in different industries through various networks through my classmates.”
In offering her congratulatory message on SKK GSB's 20th anniversary, Su Jung echoes the sentiments of her predecessors, expressing hope for the continued success of the institution in producing outstanding leaders.
“Congratulations on the 20th anniversary of SKK GSB. Just as the predecessors who have passed through GSB, I hope that SKK GSB will continue to produce more outstanding leaders in the future, and I wish for the continued success of the excellent programs that SKK GSB offers.”
She commends SKK GSB for its commitment to excellence and innovation, envisioning a future where the institution continues to thrive and inspire future generations of leaders.