Q. When does the program begin and when is the graduation?
There are two cohorts in a year for the Professional MBA program;
• Spring cohort: the class starts in January and the graduation will be in February.
• Fall cohort: the class starts in August and the graduation will be in August.
Q. What kind of scholarship does this program have?
1. Incoming Student Scholarship:
Every applicant is eligible for Incoming Student Scholarship. The Admission Committee will go through all the applications for scholarship evaluation. There is no supplementary process or document needed to apply.
• Scholarship ranges from 10% to 20%.
• Scholarship covers tuition in Korea only.
• Both Korean and international students are eligible.
• High GMAT and TOEFL scores are recommended.
2. Future Leader Scholarship:
Applicants who fall into one or more of the following 5 categories can apply for the scholarship.
• Top Talent
Business professional who is evaluated as a top talent in the organization.
• Female Leader
Female professional with strong leadership and achievements.
• International Leader (Foreign applicant only)
International business professional who has outstanding business experience in a multicultural environment.
• Family Business Successor & Entrepreneur
A student who needs global business perspective and cutting-edge business knowledge to run family business.
Q. Does this program have a global field trip class?
Yes, it will be about five days and four nights, and mostly the trip takes place in the summer of second year. If you cannot take the trip due to personal reasons or you do not wish to go, you can take other elective classes instead.
Q. What tracks does the program offer for dual degree opportunity?
There are 2 different tracks that student can apply for dual degree.
1. MBA+MBA Track:
• Degree: SKK GSB MBA degree + Indiana Kelley MBA degree
• Period: 1 year at SKK GSB + 1 year at Indiana Kelley
• Tuition Fee: $49,956 at IU Kelley School (2019)
2. MBA+MS Track (Online):
• Degree: MS Degree (Master of Science)
• Period / Credits: 5 months / 15 credits
(You may need to take more credits depending on the courses you take in SKK GSB)
• Tuition Fee: $13,500 (2019)
Q. Is it possible to take leave of absence during the program?
You can take a leave of absence for a total of three semesters, but you need to study at least 1 semester. You cannot take a leave of absence during the intensive summer period.
Q. How can I make-up for class absence if I cannot attend a class due for personal reasons?
You can notify your professor about your absence from the class in advance, and can receive make-up classes in different ways from the professors. There are several ways of making-up classes: Sharing recorded lecture, one-on-one class from professor, team project make up, etc.